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Solutions innovantes dans l'expansion palatine

Publications scientifiques

La recherche sur le Leaf Expander® joue un rôle important en orthodontie non invasive. De nombreuses publications scientifiques mettent en lumière notre attention pour des solutions biomécaniques de pointe qui permettent au patient d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats sans ajustements quotidiens.

Leaf Expander®, la vite a espansione per infiniti dispositivi ortodontici

Cristian Casuia

Suso News, XXIII, 2 - 2024

Evolution of the Leaf Expander®: A Maxillary Self Expander

Camporesi M, Franchi L, Doldo T, Defraia E

BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2013, 12:128

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Nuove prospettive dell' espansione mascellare: il Leaf Expander®

C. Lanteri, M. Beretta, A. Gianolio, C. Cherchi, V. Lanteri

Doctor OS Novembre-Dicembre 2018 - XXIX 09

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Espansione mascellare senza collaborazione del paziente: un caso esemplificativo

Lanteri C, Lanteri V, Beretta M, Gianolio A, Cherchi C

Italian Dental Journal 9/2018

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Comparison between RME, SME and Leaf Expander® in growing patients: a retrospective postero-anterior cephalometric study

Lanteri V, Cossellu G, Gianolio A, Beretta M, Lanteri C, Cherchi C, Farronato G

European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 19/3-2018

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Leaf expander®: nuevos horizontes de la expansión maxilar en ortodoncia interceptiva

Lanteri V, Angelino E, Beretta M, Gianolio A, Lanteri C, Farronato G

Revista Espanola de Ortodoncia

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Maxillary tridimensional changes after slow expansion with leaf expander® in a sample of growing patients: a pilot study

V. Lanteri, A. Gianolio, G. Gualandi, M. Beretta

European Journal of pediatric dentistry vol. 19/1-2018

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The Leaf Expander for Non-Compliance Treatment in the Mixed Dentition

C. Lanteri, M. Beretta, V. Lanteri, A. Gianolio, C. Cherchi, L. Franchi

Journal of Clinical Orthodontics Volume 50 : Number 09 : Pages (552-560) 2016

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Procedura clinica di espansione del mascellare superiore: un caso esemplificativo

C. Lanteri, V. Lanteri, M. Beretta, A. Gianolio

Italian Dental Journal Anno XI Numero 8/2016

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Espansione del mascellare superiore con il Leaf Expander

Claudio Lanteri, Valentina Lanteri, Alessandro Gianolio, Matteo Beretta, Claudia Cherchi

Dental Tribune Italian Edition - Giugno 2016 - anno XII n.6

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Espansione del mascellare superiore con il Leaf Expander

C.Lanteri, V.Lanteri, A.Gianolio, M. Beretta, C. Cherchi

Ortho Tribune - Ottobre 2016, Anno 10 n.2

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Rapid and slow maxillary expansion: a posteroanterior cephalometric study

Dott. Gianolio A, Dr.ssa Cherchi C, Dr.ssa Lanteri V

European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 15/4-2014

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