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Research on the Leaf Expander® plays an important role in non-invasive orthodontics. Many scientific publications highlight our attention for cutting-edge biomechanical solutions that allow the patient to get better results without daily adjustment
Cristian Casuia
Suso News, XXIII, 2 - 2024
Camporesi M, Franchi L, Doldo T, Defraia E
BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2013, 12:128
C. Lanteri, M. Beretta, A. Gianolio, C. Cherchi, V. Lanteri
Doctor OS Novembre-Dicembre 2018 - XXIX 09
Lanteri C, Lanteri V, Beretta M, Gianolio A, Cherchi C
Italian Dental Journal 9/2018
Lanteri V, Cossellu G, Gianolio A, Beretta M, Lanteri C, Cherchi C, Farronato G
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 19/3-2018
Lanteri V, Angelino E, Beretta M, Gianolio A, Lanteri C, Farronato G
Revista Espanola de Ortodoncia
V. Lanteri, A. Gianolio, G. Gualandi, M. Beretta
European Journal of pediatric dentistry vol. 19/1-2018
C. Lanteri, M. Beretta, V. Lanteri, A. Gianolio, C. Cherchi, L. Franchi
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics Volume 50 : Number 09 : Pages (552-560) 2016
C. Lanteri, V. Lanteri, M. Beretta, A. Gianolio
Italian Dental Journal Anno XI Numero 8/2016
Claudio Lanteri, Valentina Lanteri, Alessandro Gianolio, Matteo Beretta, Claudia Cherchi
Dental Tribune Italian Edition - Giugno 2016 - anno XII n.6
C.Lanteri, V.Lanteri, A.Gianolio, M. Beretta, C. Cherchi
Ortho Tribune - Ottobre 2016, Anno 10 n.2
Dott. Gianolio A, Dr.ssa Cherchi C, Dr.ssa Lanteri V
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 15/4-2014